India Donate Page

Donate to help women in India severely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis


UN Women is working with our partners on the ground to help women by:

  • Training health workers and nurses in COVID-19 response with a focus on managing recovery of affected people.
  • Providing cash transfers to women in crises and access to basic PPEs for first-line responders.
  • Training counsellors, protection officers, and staff at One Stop Centres for women in responding to the needs of gender-based violence survivors.
India Covid Appeal - Women

Women In India - Covid information

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Beyond COVID-19: A Feminist Plan for Sustainability and Social Justice

As the world reckons with the fallout of COVID-19, growing inequality and accelerating climate disasters, the need for a shared plan to recover and transform economies and societies has never been clearer. UN Women’s new flagship report “Beyond COVID-19: A Feminist Plan for Sustainability and Social Justice” provides a roadmap for addressing these challenges while recovering the ground that’s been lost on gender equality and women’s rights.

Drawing on the latest available data and the contributions of over 100 experts from academia, civil society and the UN system, it provides a vision and concrete pathways for putting gender equality, environmental sustainability and social justice at the centre of economic recovery and transformation.